
Our routing/transit number is 311990029

Our members are always on the move and often need to transfer money between their GENCO accounts or transfer money to an account they hold at another financial institution. So to keep up with your fast-paced lifestyle, GENCO has several options for you.
Zelle®, a fast, safe, and contact-free way to send and receive money with the people you know and trust, for all sorts of things. Once logged in, you can send, request, and split expenses in just a matter of minutes. Say you want to send your friend Amy money for her birthday. Just select her from your contact list. Enter the amount to send and, if you'd like, a reason. If Amy is already enrolled with Zelle®, the money will arrive directly in her bank account, typically in minutes. If she’s not enrolled with Zelle®, she’ll get a message explaining how to enroll to receive her money. How simple is that?

Requesting money and splitting expenses are just as easy. Use Request to request a payment from someone you know, like from your roommate, who owes you for their share of the rent.

Use Split if the request needs to be divided among a group, like splitting the dinner bill among friends.
Activity includes your pending items and past activity. And if a payment requires your attention, you’ll see an alert. Recipients is where you store your Zelle® contacts and add new ones. And Settings is where you manage your email addresses and U.S. mobile phone numbers you use to send and receive money. It's also where you store your Zelle® contacts and add new ones. Keep in mind that Zelle® can send money from your bank account to someone else’s in minutes, so it’s important you know and trust the person you’r e sending money to.
Internal transfers are instant, they only takes a few seconds and your balances update in real time. From the transfers tab you can make a quick transfer and review the scheduled transfers you've set up review the details or delete ones that are no longer useful. To make a transfer just select the accounts. Enter an amount and pick a date if you'd like to schedule it for the future. To make it recurring just select a frequency and it will be added to your list of scheduled transfers. Then, Review. Once finished If it's a one-time transfer your balances will be updated in real time. And your new transfer will be added to your recent transactions.

To transfer money to, or from an external account you'll just need to add the account. External Accounts can be added from the transfer funds tab, as well as from Preferences.

To add an account, begin by selecting add accounts. You will need the routing and account number. When ready select Next, to verify ownership of the account. Depending on the account, you may be able to verify ownership instantly by providing the Username and Password that you use for Online Banking. Our system will verify that the credentials are valid, then, discard them.

In some instances this type of verification isn’t possible, or, you may not wish to provide the information. In either case, you can verify the account by using two trial deposits. Choosing to verify using deposits is a simple 3 step process. Click send me two deposits and a request will be generated to make 2 small deposits into the account being added. Then, select Done to return to preferences. Once these deposits appear in your transaction history return back here and select Verify, next to the account requiring verification. Then, just enter the amount of each deposit to verify ownership. Once verified your new account will be available to use for future transfers.